To Go And Learn Is Reason Enough- Room with a View
A NewSpace
Inflatable Orbiting Hotel - Zero Gee Sports
Rocky Mountain High
First Flight of the Day
Marstropolis - Dawn
Marstropolis - Sunrise
The Shot Seen 'Round the World
Stardust - Headin' Home

imperial - adj. [< L. imperium, empire, command.] 1. of an empire, emperor or empress. 2. having supreme authority; soverign. 3. majestic; august; magnificent. 4. of great size or superior quality.
5. comb w/Earth; title of a captivating novel authored by Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the original and sustaining inspiration of my life-long journey into Space that propelled me into becoming an astronomical and spaceflight artist, illustrator and designer.
5. comb w/Earth; title of a captivating novel authored by Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the original and sustaining inspiration of my life-long journey into Space that propelled me into becoming an astronomical and spaceflight artist, illustrator and designer.