
What Planets There May Be
Sky &Telescope Magazine cover and two page
spread opener for Imaging Exoplanets. Get a Print!

CD Cover, liner notes, posters & promos for the Public Enemy CD:
Fear of a Black Planet Get a Print!

Working on Deimos
A scientific laboratory nestled in a crater on the North Pole of Deimos, Mars' second moon, is in perfect position to observe and launch missions to The Red Planet.

To See With New Eyes
Sky &Telescope Magazine cover and two page spread opener for the Chandra X-ray Observatory launch. Get a Print!

The Hunt
Science 84 Magazine two page opener on the international contingent to first visit Comet Halley

The New Colonists
Discover Magazine two page spread opener for studies on the reuse of the Space Shuttle External Tank.

Cover of Science 85 Magazine and opener for the cover story: Other Worlds on the formation of, and search for, extrasolar planets and planetary systems. Get a Print!

A theory on the formation of the Universe in that, as the energy plasma cooled by expansion, matter simply condensed out of it providing all of this stuff!
For the Science 85 Cover Story on Extrasolar Planets.

First Glow of a New Horizon
For an article in Smithsonian Magazine on an experiment in directed panspermia; releasing the building blocks of life into an extrasolar environment that has none.